Our creative studios operate on rolling monthly leases so spaces come available regularly.

Fostering a vibrant community of creatives, Many Studios provides an environment conducive to professional development, enhancing awareness of contemporary arts practice, constructive informal dialogue and an accessible programme of participative, critical and creative projects.

A view of an open plan studio containing furniture and art materials positioned along a white wall with a metal bannister in front. There are yellow lines on the floor dividing spaces and a computer on a desk in the foreground

Many Studios is a purpose-designed creative hub in the East End of Glasgow.

Many Studios is a centrally accessible workspace provider, offering 24 hour access, catering facilities, unlimited wifi, a connected professional network and, significantly, unaffected heating – offering a uniquely comfortable creative working environment.

The organisation provides social space, a meeting room and an extensive creative and cultural network alongside professional expertise.

Our workspaces have been designed to accommodate all kinds of creative practice from shared open plan studios to independent shop front units.  Our lease terms are flexible for our studio members with majority of workspaces on a 1-month rolling lease.

Workspace rates are all inclusive of bills including internet. Rents range from £100 - £800 per month, costing around £150 - £200 on average.

April 2024: Our studios are generally at full capacity, so we are currently operating a waiting list. If you submitted details for the waiting list more than 6 months ago we recommend getting in touch again to renew your interest.

Please include as much information as possible about your requirements and budget in the form below so we can inform you of relevant spaces if or when they come available.

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